Get Tracking Details – SOAP
Name: | Get Tracking Details |
Reason to Call: | To get all tracking events for a single parcel |
Input: | PIN/DNC Number |
Output: | Basic parcel information, dates, location and status for each event. Summary parcel information. |
Error Examples: | no PIN History |
Possible Prior Calls: | Get Tracking Summary |
Possible Next Calls: | Get Signature Image, Get Delivery Confirmation Certificate |
Version history: | Release notes |
Call Details
WSDL: | track.wsdl |
Endpoint (Development): | |
Endpoint (Production): | |
Namespace: | |
Operation: | GetTrackingDetails |
This section describes the XML input elements to this service. For the hierarchical structure, see the XML diagram.
Get Tracking Details – Request Elements | |||
Element Name | Type | Required / Optional | Description |
get-tracking-detail-request |
complex |
required |
The top level XML element for the request input information. |
locale |
simple |
optional |
Indicates your language preference for receiving error messages. |
pin |
simple |
conditionally required |
The PIN (Parcel Identification Number) assigned by Canada Post on creation of the shipping label and used for tracking purposes. |
dnc |
simple |
conditionally required |
The Delivery Notice Card (DNC) number – The number on the card left by delivery personnel when no one is home to receive the delivery. |
Request – XML Diagram
Get Tracking Details – Structure of the XML Request

Response Details
Response – Elements
The following table describes the XML elements in the response to Get Tracking Details. For the hierarchy of the response, see the
XML diagram.
Get Tracking Details – Response Elements | ||
Element Name | Type | Description |
get-tracking-detail-response |
complex |
The top level XML element for the response information. |
pin-detail |
complex |
The XML structure containing the results of a successful completion of this service. |
pin |
simple |
The PIN, which can be used for other tracking calls |
active-exists |
simple |
true |false True indicates that the tracking information is contained in the active data repository. |
archive-exists |
simple |
true |false True indicates that the tracking information is contained in the archive data repository. |
changed-expected-date |
simple |
yyyy-mm-dd Indicates a new expected delivery date. |
destination-postal-id |
simple |
First 3 digits of the destination Postal Code for parcels to be delivered in Canada. For international parcels this is the Postal Identifier of the destination country (e.g. ZIP code for parcels with U.S. destination) or an identifier of the destination country |
expected-delivery-date |
simple |
The date the item is expected to reach the destination address for addresses in Canada. If the item has been mailed from or to an international location this date may be blank. |
changed-expected-delivery-reason |
simple |
Text description of reason for change to expected delivery date. |
mailed-by-customer-number |
simple |
Customer number of the mailing customer. |
mailed-on-behalf-of-customer-number |
simple |
Customer number of the mailed-on-behalf-of customer if applicable. |
original-pin |
simple |
In the situation where a parcel is being returned and the original parcel was created with an anticipated return, this field will contain the original PIN when the return PIN is queried. |
service-name |
simple |
Canada Post service name in the language specified by the request. (The service-name will default to English if language is not specified). For inbound international parcels, service type is empty or contains the service name from its shipper of origin if available. |
service-name-2 |
simple |
Canada Post service name in the other Canadian official language. For inbound international parcels, service name is empty or contains the service name from its shipper of origin. |
customer-ref-1 |
simple |
The value supplied by the shipper as customer-ref-1 when the shipment was first created with Canada Post. French character set is supported through this interface. |
customer-ref-2 |
simple |
The value supplied by the shipper as customer reference 2 when the shipment was first created with Canada Post. Special characters should be avoided when entering customer reference numbers. |
return-pin |
simple |
In the situation where a parcel is being sent with an anticipated return, this field will contain the return PIN when the original PIN is queried. |
signature-image-exists |
simple |
true | false True indicates that Get Signature Image will return a signature image. If false, there is no need to call Get Signature Image because it will return “not found”. |
suppress-signature |
simple |
true | false Indicates whether a signature image collected by Canada Post for domestic parcels has been requested to be suppressed for viewing by the recipient of a parcel. |
delivery-options |
complex |
The set of delivery options requested for this parcel. |
delivery-option |
simple |
The string representing the delivery-option. |
delivery-option-description |
simple |
The description of the delivery option. |
cod-remit-info |
complex |
Information associating a COD parcel with the remittance tracking event or vice versa. |
pin |
simple |
This instance of the PIN specifies the PIN of the COD remittance or the original parcel depending on the value of type. |
type |
simple |
Has the value COD_PIN or REMIT_PIN and indicates what PIN is contained in the PIN value immediately above. |
significant-events |
complex |
The list of events associated with this parcel. |
occurrence |
complex |
The parent element of one set of significant event details. |
event-identifier |
simple |
Event identifier used to identify event types. |
event-date |
simple |
yyyy-mm-dd - Date of a tracking event |
event-time |
simple |
hh:mm:ss - Time of a tracking event |
event-time-zone |
simple |
Time zone associated with an event. May not be populated for international tracking events. |
event-description |
simple |
A brief description of the event. |
signatory-name |
simple |
If the event presented is a signature capture event, the text of this field will represent the name of the signature. |
event-site |
simple |
Site information provided by the parcel handler. |
event-province |
simple |
For domestic events, this contains the province that the event occurred in. |
event-retail-location-id |
simple |
Contains the office-id where a parcel is being/was retained. |
event-retail-name |
simple |
Retail name of the location where a parcel is/was held. |
Response – XML Diagram
Response – Possible Error Responses
The response to error conditions for this web service follows the standard SOAP error response approach used for all Canada Post web services. For more information, see SOAP Fundamentals of Canada Post Web Services.
Possible error messages for this service include the following:
Code | Description |
004 |
No PIN History |
002 |
Duplicate PIN |
Sample SOAP XML – PIN Detail Request
Sample SOAP XML – PIN Detail Response
<changed-expected-delivery-reason>Customer addressing error found; attempting to correct</changed-expected-delivery-reason>
<delivery-option-description>Signature Required</delivery-option-description>
<event-description>Item successfully delivered</event-description>
<event-description>Signature image recorded for Online viewing</event-description>
<event-description>Item out for delivery</event-description>
<event-description>Item processed at postal facility</event-description>
<event-description>Customer addressing error found; attempting to correct.
Possible delay</event-description>
<event-description>Item successfully delivered</event-description>
<event-description>Signature image recorded for Online viewing</event-description>
<signatory-name>R GREGOIRE</signatory-name>
<event-description>Out for delivery</event-description>
<event-description>Item picked up by Canada Post</event-description>
<event-description>Order information received by Canada Post</event-description>