How to become a commercial customer and get access to our Online Business Centre shipping tools and discounts.
Get a business customer number
How to change your small business account address
Learn how to update the address information listed under the business profile in your Solutions for Small Business account.
Online tools for small businesses
Small business members can access all online shipping tools like EST Online and Snap Ship as well as pickup and returns tools.
Shipping and marketing services for small businesses
Find out which shipping and marketing services and tools are available to Solutions for Small Business members.
What is my small business discount?
Sign in to our website to find out your Savings Level, your order history for the last quarter and how close you are to reaching the next Savings Level.
Campaign Manager direct mail campaigns
EST Online will be replaced for Commercial Shippers, February 2022
Connect Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about connect? Check the FAQ for answers:
How do I contact customer service about my business mailing?
Contact customer support online, by phone, or find resolution with one of our support articles.
Open a service ticket for help with business mailings
Having trouble with business mailings? Find out how to get help from Canada Post.
How can I change my address, company name or other contact information?
How can I sign up for Manage My Accounts?
Online profiles for commercial customers
Commercial customers, after you sign a contract, create your online profile, username and password and use our online shipping tools and services.
Online security for your business account
Find out how we keep your business account secure and what you can do as an account owner
Use EST Online and Express Order Entry
Prepare your mailings and shipments online and print shipping labels with our electronic shipping tools.
What is Manage My Accounts?
Why is my account blocked?
Express Order Entry: Online shipping in Canada
Get fast and easy online shipping and mailing from our website or your intranet. For small to mid-sized businesses who ship and mail within Canada.
Are your weights and dimensions in metric or imperial units?
Can I get a better rate because my volumes have increased?
Can I receive my invoices electronically via email?
Can you increase my credit limit?
How can I access my digital/electronic invoices?
You’ll get an email from Canada Post with a PDF when invoices are available. Here’s what to do with it:
How can I cancel a mailing order (Statement of Mailing)?
How can I check if my mailing was delivered?
How can I check if you received my payment?
How can I get a commercial invoice for my P.O. Box?
How do I pay my invoice by Credit Card?
There are several ways commercial customers can pay by Credit Card. Pick the one best for you:
How do I request a copy of my invoice?
Requesting a copy of your invoice is easy. Follow these steps:
How is pricing calculated?
Cancel a shipping label or manifest
Here’s how to cancel a shipping label or manifest online with Canada Post.
How to cancel the online order for a business mailing
How to cancel your order (Statement of Mailing) for Admail, Lettermail, Letter-post and Publications Mail if you have not yet given it to Canada Post.
How to find out your business account balance
Get your account balance, transaction history and more when you sign in to Manage My Accounts. If you need more help, use this form to contact us.
How do I get a refund for spoiled meter impressions?
Find out how to get a refund for your spoiled meter impressions. Find out where to return the meter impressions, and the fee involved.
Request a Shipment Refund
Printed a shipping label you won’t be using? Use Request a Refund API to reverse the charge.
Why are all my parcels billed at 7 kg?
What address should I send payment to?
What are the additional charges on my invoice?
What are the costs for additional features (e.g., insurance, signature, pick up, proof of delivery)?
What methods of payment do you accept online?
You can shop online using your Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Commercial customers can also pay by account.
Who placed the order for this Statement of Mailing or Manifest that I was billed for?
Why am I not able to log in to online payment?
Why did I receive a past due notice?
Why is the weight different on my bill from what I entered in the order?
Make payments to your commercial account
Make payments to your commercial account directly from your bank, credit card, online, or by cheque.
How can I cancel a pick up?
How can I get a refund for a pick up I cancelled?
How can I schedule a pick up?
Parcel pickup API integration tips for e-commerce
Add pickup web services to your e-commerce solution. Easily request a pickup at your business. Ideal for Ship From Store applications.
Package Redirection FAQs
Get information on Package Redirection online. Find out about redirection costs and package eligibility.
Deliver to Post Office: Create shipping label in EST 2.0
Deliver to Post Office: Create shipping label system provider
Deliver to Post Office: Create shipping label using web services
Deliver to Post Office: E-commerce delivery solution
Deliver to Post Office: How to display locations
Deliver to Post Office: Implementing on your site
Administration for Intelligence 360
Set permissions for employees can see and do in Intelligence 360.
Can I build a custom report in Intelligence 360?
Intelligence 360 does not allow you to build a custom report. You can download its eight standard reports into Excel, CSV or PDF format and then customize them.
What can I do if I received a welcome email but can't access Intelligence 360?
If you can’t access Intelligence 360 and are a user administrator, contact your Canada Post sales’ representative
Customer number performance summary
Instructions on how to create a shipping performance summary by customer number.
How to create a service ticket in Intelligence 360
Follow these instructions to create a service ticket in Intelligence 360.
Destination shipping profile report
Instructions on how to create a shipping report of parcel volume and cost by destination in Intelligence 360.
Customer number shipping profile report
Instructions on how to create a report of shipping profile by customer number
Definitions and terms for Intelligence 360
Definitions of the terms that appear in Intelligence 360 reports and pages.
Intelligence 360 performance summary by delivery standard report
Learn step-by-step how to generate a performance summary by delivery standard report in Intelligence 360.
Destination performance summary
Instructions on how to create a shipping performance summary by destination.
Why are the volumes different in Intelligence 360 Shipping profile and Delivery performance reports?
A Shipping profile report defines volume as the number of items billed within the stop the clock time. A Delivery performance report checks for an electronic manifest scan AND a delivered or a attempted delivery scan.
How is delivery performance calculated in Intelligence 360?
The Intelligence 360 Performance summary reports use 3 steps to calculate delivery performance numbers.
How far back can I access Intelligence 360 data?
Information is held for two years within My reports. It dates from the time your company is set up to use Intelligence 360.
How is average weight defined in Intelligence 360?
The average weight of all items billed within a timeframe is either the declared weight or the volumetric equivalent.
How many Intelligence 360 reports can I store?
You can store 50 reports in the My reports section of Intelligence 360.
How many reports can I create in Intelligence 360?
There is no limit to the number of Intelligence 360 reports you can create
How often is Intelligence 360 data updated?
Information in Intelligence 360 is updated every 15 minutes.
How to create reports in Intelligence 360
Follow these instructions to create a report with shipping variables in Intelligence 360.
How to track and filter exceptions in Intelligence 360
Track and filter exceptions to find out why a shipment has not yet been delivered or returned
If I forgot to include a customer number in Intelligence 360, how can I now do so?
To add a customer number to Intelligence 360, call your sales representative.
Can I download all item level information in Intelligence 360 Outbound, Inbound and Exception tabs?
You can only download the item level information within the Intelligence 360 Outbound, Inbound and Exception tabs that you see on your screen.
Why is the Intelligence 360 destination location sometimes listed as Unknown?
If an item is redirected, privacy policies require that the destination address be shown as Unknown in Intelligence 360.
Which Intelligence 360 reports hold item level information?
The Intelligence 360 Tracking summary report provides item level details on the status of your Outbound and Inbound items throughout delivery.
Do items in the Intelligence 360 Outbound view show in multiple stages or categories?
In the Intelligence 360 Outbound view, items only appear in one category or delivery stage.
How long are reports saved in Intelligence 360?
The reports you create are saved in My reports section for 30 days. To access a report past 30 days, save it to a folder outside of Intelligence 360.
Can I see item level detail in Intelligence 360 Shipping Profile and Performance summary reports?
Item level detail is not available in Shipping profile and Performance summary reports. It can be found in the Tracking summary report.
Is Intelligence 360 data available through an API?
Intelligence 360 is not available through an Application Program Interface
Can a report combine information in the Shipping profile and Delivery performance reports?
Intelligence 360 Shipping profile and Delivery performance reports cannot be merged
Notifications in Intelligence 360
Use notifications to stay on top of the status of your most important shipments.
Overview of Intelligence 360
Use Intelligence 360 overview to see all outbound shipments and inbound returns. Track your favourite reports and add to your watch list.
In the Shipping profile: by destination report, can I see postal code details? Intelligence 360
The Intelligence 360 Shipping profile: by destination report shows the origin to the destination city but not postal code details.
Tracking outbound items with Intelligence 360
Get detailed status information on outgoing parcel items.
Tracking inbound returns with Intelligence 360
Get detailed status information on inbound returns
Can I track items in Intelligence 360 that have not been received by Canada Post?
You can see items in Intelligence 360 that have a tracking number but have not been received by Canada Post.
How do I find tracking numbers for late items in Intelligence 360?
In the Intelligence 360 Tracking summary report, compare delivery standard dates to the delivery or stop the clock date. Items delivered after the delivery standard date are late.
Tracking summary report
Instructions on how to create a tracking summary report in Intelligence 360
What types of service tickets are reported in Intelligence 360?
The Intelligence 360 Service ticket report shows the service tickets for items that are late, lost or damaged that you created with Canada Post
Weight category. Create a Shipping profile report
Instructions on how to create a report of shipping profile by weight category
When does Intelligence 360 begin collecting information?
Intelligence 360 starts collecting your information on the day you are set up within the tool. You can access information as far back as 2 years
Who controls what people see in Intelligence 360?
An Intelligence 360 user administrator controls access and sets user roles in your company.
Cannabis promotion
Services, guidelines and restrictions for promoting cannabis in Canada as a licensed seller.
How to package cannabis for shipping
Learn about Health Canada packaging and labelling regulations for cannabis. Then find out how to prepare your cannabis for shipping to Canadians.
Shipping medical cannabis
Specialized support teams and products to support businesses shipping medical cannabis and improve the experience of their customers.
Manage Returns Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the FAQs page for help using the tool.
Manage Returns guide
Read this article for in-depth info on managing returns.
Web Service Requirements for Return Authorization Numbers - REST
Learn how to set up return authorization web service via REST-style architecture.
Web Service Requirements for Return Authorization Numbers - SOAP
Learn how to set up return authorization web service via SOAP protocol.
EST 2.0 shipping software – help installing updates
Having trouble installing updates to EST 2.0 shipping software? Follow these troubleshooting tips.
How to store your EST 2.0 address books locally
Commercial customers who store their EST 2.0 address books locally can print shipping labels in local mode during an outage. Find out how it works.
Print EST 2.0 labels when offline with local mode
Commercial customers who store their EST 2.0 address books locally can print shipping labels in local mode during an outage. Find out how it works.
Technical tips for getting started with EST 2.0
Find out about security, proxy servers and importing and exporting data into EST 2.0 shipping software.
How to prepare a large mailing
Find all the resources you need to confidently prepare large mailings for Canada Post.
How to prepare magazine or newsletter mailings
Find out where to get information to prepare a Publications Mail™ newsletter or magazine mailing.
See if your mailing qualifies as Publications Mail
Find out if your newsletter, magazine or other mailing qualifies for the discounted postage rates of Publications Mail.
Tips for bundling Publications Mail
You can send multiple copies of the same issue of your publication in a bundle to one address. Learn when and how to bundle Publications Mail.
Getting started with Business Reply Mail
Learn how to set up your Business Reply Mail account, create artwork and test mail pieces to ensure the best postage rates.
How can I cancel my Business Reply Mail?
What does BRM mean?
How to prepare bulk advertising mailings
Find all the resources you need to confidently prepare bulk advertising mailings for Canada Post.
Report a delivery problem with Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail
If your recent Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail™ (formerly Unaddressed Admail) mailing is late or hasn’t been delivered, you can create an online service ticket to report the problem.
Neighbourhood Mail delivery standards
Get delivery estimates for sending Neighbourhood Mail™ anywhere in Canada.
2D data matrix Barcodes for Postal Code Targeting (FAQ)
How to create and use the Postal Code Targeting 2D data matrix barcode for automated direct mail processing, putting your piece in customer hands faster and at a savings.
Benefits of Postal Code Targeting FAQ
Brief description of the features and benefits of Postal Code Targeting, different types of Smartmail Marketing solutions and how it works in acquisition.
Cost of Postal Code Targeting and what’s included
Answers about the cost of sending direct mail with Postal Code Targeting solutions and large volume discount options.
How to create and drop off your Postal Code Targeting mailing
Find out how to prep your statement of mailing and drop off mailing containers.
Is your mailing’s design machine processing compatible?
Ensure that your marketing mail pieces for Postal Code Targeting, Neighbourhood Mail and Personalized Mail are machineable and save on mailing costs.
How to prepare Postal Code Targeting mailings
Find out what’s needed to prepare a Postal Code Targeting mailing. Get information on Postal Code Targeting specifications and find a direct mail partner.
Postal Code Targeting mailing qualifications
See if your mailing campaign qualifies for Postal Code Targeting. Qualifications include deposit information, minimum item number, unique barcodes, quiet zones and Agreement numbers.
Postal Code Map for unaddressed direct mail
The Postal Code Map, integrated into our Precision Targeter tool, helps you find high-value customer prospect areas for direct mail campaigns.
Postal Code Targeting Production for mailing FAQ
Postal Code Targeting production FAQs with answers on quality controls, indicia, specifications, GSM best practices and your mailing’s induction.
Postal Code Targeting eligibility FAQ
Frequently asked questions on eligibility marketing with Postal Code Targeting. New acquisition tool that finds prospects similar to current best customers.
Recognized vendors for Postal Code Targeting campaigns
Find Canada Post approved vendors that can help you feel confident that your Postal Code Targeting campaign will be created according to our mailing requirements.
Using data with Postal Code Targeting
Data lists and how to use them in Postal Code Targeting, including data overlays, existing customer list suppression and data cleaning needs.
How to prepare Canada Post Personalized Mail mailings
Find out where to get information on preparing an addressed advertising mailing.
See if your mailing qualifies as Personalized Mail
Find out if your mailing of more than 1,000 pieces qualifies for Personalized Mail’s reduced postage rates.
How to use Precision Targeter YouTube video tutorial
Video tutorial for Precision Targeter.
Precision Targeter - Frequently Asked Questions
Precision Targeter - Frequently Asked Questions
Print shipping labels with EST Online
Handle your entire shipping and mailing process online from our website. For small to mid-sized businesses who ship in Canada and worldwide.
EST Online will be replaced for Small Business Shippers, February 2022
Create and Drop off a mailing order
Learn about creating an order or Statement of Mailing and dropping off a Personalized Mail™ mailing at a deposit location.
Customized Postal Indicia delivers marketing bonus
Learn how to use the free Customized Postal Indicia template to create added marketing value for your business mail.
Design mail that can be machine processed
Save on postage when your mailing can be machine processed. Learn how to design your Canada Post Personalized Mail™( formerly Addressed Admail™) piece for machineable postal standards.
Canada Post Personalized Mail templates
Your marketing just got easier. Ready to put direct mail to work for your business? Our customizable and print-ready templates make it easy.
Find recognized presortation software vendors
Find Canada Post-recognized vendors of mail presortation software.
How to buy and use postal indicia
Postal indicia saves businesses time and money while offering branding opportunities. Find out how to use it:
How to prepare scannable mail for machine processing
Designing, preparing and sorting your Canada Post Personalized Mail™(formerly Addressed Admail) for machine processing delivers the lowest postage rates. See these Machineable Presort guidelines.
Download National Presortation Schematic
The National Presortation Schematic helps you prepare mailings. Updated monthly, use it for more effective mailings.
Addressing mail accurately
Format addresses for business and marketing mail accurately and avoid processing delays, redelivery and surcharges. See correct formats with visual examples.
Municipality Abbreviations – Alberta
Find the official abbreviations for some municipalities in Alberta with names longer than 13 characters.
How to meet Address Accuracy requirements
Find the address accuracy requirements for the best postage rates on Incentive Lettermail™, Canada Post Personalized Mail™(formerly Addressed Admail) and Publications Mail™
Municipality Abbreviations – British Columbia
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in British Columbia with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Manitoba
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Manitoba with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – New Brunswick
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in New Brunswick with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Newfoundland and Labrador
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Nova Scotia
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Nova Scotia with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Ontario
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Ontario with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Prince Edward Island
Find the official abbreviations for municipalities in Prince Edward Island with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Quebec
Find the official abbreviations for some municipalities in Quebec with names longer than 13 characters.
Municipality Abbreviations – Saskatchewan
Find the official abbreviations for some municipalities in Saskatchewan with names longer than 13 characters.
Why address accuracy saves time and money
Accurate address lists reduce undeliverable mail and help you get the best postage rates for large mailings and better customer insights from your data.
Address validation with Canada Post
Canada Post recognizes the several address validation services. Use ours, or find a recognized vendor.
FAQ NCOA Mover Data Service | Support | Canada Post
Common questions on NCOA Mover Data Service
Update database when customers move – NCOA
The National Change of Address (NCOA) database is a list of Canadians who move. Use it for mailing list cleaning and to keep customer addresses up to date.
Address Complete
Address Complete
AddressComplete credit depleted
When your AddressComplete account is out of credit you’ll receive an email. Buy a credit plan to top up your account.
Credit limit reached for AddressComplete
You can configure a daily limit for the credit that can be consumed from your AddressComplete account per day.
How to Customize AddressComplete
Always capture the right address with customized AddressComplete settings. You can restrict access, select countries, set language and more.
How to install AddressComplete
How to add AddressComplete to your website. It’s easy, free and no web experience is required.
IP address restrictions for AddressComplete
What happens if someone tries to access your AddressComplete installation from an IP address that you have restricted.
Security settings for AddressComplete
Learn how to use the security settings for you AddressComplete installations. Set the daily limit, valid URLs, and IP limit.
Unauthorized Access to AddressComplete
What happens if someone tries to use your AddressComplete account from an unauthorized website.