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Does my mail item qualify as Personalized Mail?
Depending on the type and main purpose of the mail item, it may qualify as Personalized Mail.
To determine if your mail item qualifies as Personalized Mail, refer to the list below. The list provides information on the most popular types of mail items and whether they’re classified as promotional or transactional items. This list is not exhaustive.
List of promotional and non-promotional (transactional) items
Acknowledgement letter
Confirmation of an order or a transaction where the intent is not promotional.
Annual report
Type 1 – Promotional
A report that showcases the financial performance, highlights investment results, and motivates receivers to purchase additional products or services, make further investments, or donate to a charitable cause.
Type 2 – Transactional
A report that provides information regarding a company or association’s results or financial status, typically as part of compliance standards. Mailed with the intention to disseminate information, educate the recipient or report on what’s occurred over the past year. Reports containing proxies and voting ballots.
Provides details of a transaction, typically requesting payment.
Contains information about products and services available for purchase or events to attend.
Calendar/waste calendar
1 – Promotional
A calendar that is used as a marketing tool and includes promotional content. Usually sent to current or prospective customers or donors and designed to keep the brand and content top of mind. Features offers or reminders to promote businesses, events, or programs.
Type 2 – Transactional
A calendar that focuses on distributing information or providing scheduling. Includes information or reminders such as schedules or sent to fulfill an order.
See Credit or debit card or Membership card/fulfillment.
Defined as printed matter containing a list of items for sale containing item descriptions, item numbers and/or prices.
Change of address notification
Notifies customers or members about a business’s or an organization’s change of address, such as “We have moved.”
See Fundraising.
Charity tax receipt
A tax receipt from a registered charitable organization with a thank-you letter soliciting future donations.
Sent as payment, such as supplier payments, dividends or employee pay cheques.
Communication preference request
Asks customers to confirm contact details or their preferred contact method, e.g., email, mail or SMS.
Confirmation letter or notice
A notification confirming orders, bookings, meetings, appointments, etc.
Consent form, Opt-in/Opt-out form
Type 1 – Promotional
A form intended to offer customers a choice, outlining the benefits of a program or service, and potentially upselling additional products or soliciting further contributions.
Type 2 – Transactional
A form that fulfills a legal obligation to inform recipients of a change in their financial reporting or accounts and provide an option to choose.
Offered by a business or an organization as a promotion, such as “Enter for a chance to win a vacation.” See also Contest entry form.
Contest entry form
A key part of a contest, promotion or event.
See Legal documents.
A promotional offer from a business or an organization, such as a free item or service, discount, two-for-one deal, or additional free product or service with the purchase. See also Gift certificate and Voucher.
Course information (education) mailer
Type 1 – Promotional
Mailed to prospective students. Promotes an educational organization with a prospectus, course information and fees.
Type 2 – Transactional
Mailed as part of an educational program.
Credit limit increase offer
A letter sent by a financial institution offering a credit limit increase for a credit card or other credit product.
Credit or debit card
The physical card and/or PIN details for customer account access.
Cross-sell offer
Sent to existing customers for a different product or service than what they currently have. See also Offer.
Dividend payment
See Cheque. The distribution of funds generated from owning a business or its shares.
Donation request
See Fundraising.
Election/political advertising
Promotional material not required by law and sent with the purpose of encouraging engagement in elections, voting, and expressing views on political candidates and registered political parties.
Election/voting information
Non-promotional and mandatory items are mailed with the intention to provide information about upcoming elections and voting locations. These include voting notices that do not promote a candidate, party, or voting and any election communication that is required for voting, such as voter information cards.
Enumeration notice, voter information card and notice
Type 1 – Promotional
Communication that is mailed with the intention of increasing voter turnout via getting on the list of electors or updating voter registration.
Type 2 – Transactional
Item that does not promote voting and is mailed with the intent to update the list of electors. This includes voter information cards that are required to vote.
Financial report
Type 1 – Promotional
A report that showcases the financial performance, highlights investment results and motivates receivers to purchase additional products or services, make further investments, or donate to a charitable cause.
Type 2 – Transactional
A report that provides information regarding a company or association’s results or financial status, typically as part of compliance standards. Mailed with the intention to disseminate information, educate the recipient or report on what’s occurred over the past year. Reports containing proxies and voting ballots.
Promotes products, services, programs, events, government programs or making a donation.
Type 1 – Promotional
Fulfillment is the delivery of an item requested by the recipient, either for free or at a cost, obtained through a specific promotion. The item features significant branding promoting sales or brand (e.g., cereal box promotions). This includes:
- gifts or samples (any size) that are clearly branded;
- Free items where the intention is to keep a product or brand top of mind;
- samples with a coupon or other incentive;
- items sent after a promotion or contest;
- items encouraging further sales.
Type 2 – Transactional
Non-promotional items mailed to fulfill an order, including:
- products for which payment was made;
- received as part of a subscription;
- items procured to fulfill an order.
Fundraising mailer
Encourages the recipient to support a charitable cause by making a purchase, donating, or joining a not-for-profit organization, club or community service.
Gift certificate
Type 1 – Promotional
Offered by a business or an organization as a part of a promotion, such as a free offer, a discount or a two-for-one offer. See also Coupon and Voucher.
Type 2 – Transactional
Sent as fulfillment of a purchase or exchange transaction by a business or an organization.
Government correspondence
Type 1 – Promotional
Promotes activities, events and services beyond the government’s normal service provisions. This includes promoting government services with a commercial aspect outside of their mandated community service responsibilities.
Type 2 – Transactional
Any important or mandatory communication from federal, provincial or local government about services they typically provide to the community. This includes service calendars, forms, tax forms, census surveys, payment requests, receipts, permits, licences, notifications of changes or disruptions, local law or rule changes, planning proposals, and amendments to any act.
Greeting card or thank-you card
Type 1 – Promotional
Promotes a brand, encourages sales, donations or store traffic, and maintains positive relations with customers or members. It marks special occasions, like religious holidays or birthdays, or is sent as a follow-up after a substantial purchase.
Type 2 – Transactional
Mailed to personal contacts.
Insurance policy
See Policy document.
Investment offer
Information relating to a business investment opportunity, such as an invitation to buy shares in an Initial Public Offering (IPO), a capital raising, a real estate investment, or other investment options.
Type 1 – Promotional
Sent to existing or potential customers or members to purchase, explore, attend or participate in an event, e.g., “You’re invited to our new store.”
Type 2 – Transactional
An invitation to attend an event that is sent in compliance with legal requirements or company obligations and standards, such as an annual general meeting (AGM). Non-promotional invitations are:
- not branded
- sent to personal contacts
- invitations to personal events, including:
- wedding invitations
- birth announcements
- anniversary party invitations
Provides details of a transaction, typically requesting payment.
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
See Investment offer.
Legal document
Relates to business, property, or personal legal matters and agreements.
Loyalty/retention mailer
Type 1 – Promotional
Aimed at growing and keeping existing customers through incentives, branding, and recognition. This communication is primarily designed to:
- keep the brand top of mind;
- win back customers;
- strengthen customer relationships;
- encourage repeat interactions or sales;
- offer incentives.
Type 2 – Transactional
Focuses on providing information to customers without any promotional intent, or notifying customers of changes, providing transactional information, updating professional documentation, or fulfilling orders.
Loyalty card offer
A promotional offer or an invitation to sign up for a loyalty card program.
Loyalty card program/loyalty program mailer
Type 1 – Promotional
Loyalty cards that are open to the general public. Offer incentives, points, and exclusive offers to members and are not linked to a debit or credit card. This includes, but is not limited to:
- membership acquisition;
- membership card fulfillment solicited;
- membership card fulfillment unsolicited;
- loyalty card renewal/replacement;
- changes to the existing loyalty program;
- changes to the overall program (all members);
- changes to an individual’s status level/benefits;
- membership card statement;
- summary of points with a promotional offer;
- transaction details;
- Thank-you, birthday and Christmas cards to members with or without promotional offerings;
- welcome kits with or without promotional offers;
- rebates related to the program;
- fulfillment of items (within the size and weight band for Personalized Mail™) earned through points accumulated on the membership card.
Type 2 – Transactional
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Loyalty programs linked to a debit or credit card;
- Loyalty cards and mailings that aren’t open to the general public;
- Mailings related to a provisional membership and association;
- Mailings that have information related to a professional association membership.
Loyalty gift certificate
Sent as a part of a loyalty program not attached to a credit or debit card.
Marketing letter
Promotes a business or organization’s products, services and events, or offers special promotions.
Medical/test results
Results associated with medical or health-related tests.
Meeting notice
Provides mandatory notice of meetings to shareholders, members or a group, e.g., “The Annual General Meeting will be held at…”
Member program update
Promotes additional benefits included as part of the customer’s membership, where there is no change to the financial arrangements between the member and the organization, e.g., “Take advantage of our new well-being program for members.”
Membership card/fulfillment
Delivery of card and/or membership details, welcoming, renewing, replacing or upgrading the status of a customer or member, and conveying information about the membership/program and how to activate and use the membership. Includes, but is not limited to:
- Mailed to members linked to a debit or credit card.
- Mailings related to a provisional membership and association;
- Mailings that have information related to a professional association membership.
Membership offer
Mailed with the intention to attract new members and encourage the receiver to become a member of a loyalty club/program or reactivate lapsed membership.
Membership renewal
See Membership card/fulfillment and Membership offer.
Money order
See Cheque.
Type 1 – Promotional
Designed to boost sales and drive event attendance or donations by providing special offers, information on upcoming events, and charitable causes. These newsletters engage recipients with appealing content, provide a clear call to action, and do not contain any mandated legal or regulatory information.
Type 2 – Transactional
Primarily features editorial content and is designed to disseminate information or addressed to employees, agents, dealers, distributors or members of an organization, containing required legal or regulatory information.
Provides mandatory or important information to the receiver, including notices mailed to shareholders, members, customers or groups, such as an annual general meeting notice (AGM).
Notification of changes
Mailed to the recipient to inform them about changes to their account, policy, contract, or service agreement/terms and conditions.
Sent to customers, members or prospects encouraging them to sign up for a service, purchase, review, attend, accept, upgrade, renew memberships, increase contributions or participate. See also Cross-sell offer.
Order form
Sent to the recipient at their request.
Overdue notice
Notice to inform customers or members of unpaid balances.
Contains information about the goods or services of a business, organization or institution. See also Brochure or Flyer.
See Cheque and Dividend payment.
Petition/class action lawsuit
Type 1 – Promotional
Invites recipients to join a class action lawsuit or sign a petition supporting or opposing a specific cause, with the aim of enlisting people.
Type 2 – Transactional
Provides mandatory or important information to the receiver and is sent in compliance with legal requirements. It focuses on providing information to customers without any promotional intent, notifying customers of changes, and providing transactional information. It is mailed with the intent to disseminate information after recipients have already joined.
Policy document
Policy-related documentation distributed to members or customers, including renewals, changes to policy and terms and conditions.
Price change notification
Informs customers or members about price adjustments in agreements, contracts or policies.
Price list
Sent by request or as a periodical update. Contains descriptions and prices for a business’s or an organization’s products or services.
Product recall notice
Type 1 – Promotional
Recall notices with content that promotes the value/benefit of obtaining service from the manufacturer or an authorized dealer. They can contain legal/warranty information when the item intends to promote service/repair.
Type 2 – Transactional
Sent to consumers with the primary intention of informing consumers of a product recall due to safety concerns or defects.
See Survey.
Rate change notice
Sent to customers or members regarding changes to interest rates, existing agreements, contracts or policies.
Confirmation of payment for goods, services or a customer account.
Registration form
Type 1 – Promotional
When included as a part of promotion inviting the addressee to respond or join.
Type 2 – Transactional
When requested by the recipient.
Reminder/appointment reminder
Type 1 – Promotional
A notice reminding customers to make an appointment. See also Invitation.
Type 2 – Transactional
A notice regarding an outstanding action, such as an unmet obligation, a missed payment, or failure to attend a scheduled appointment or event.
Renewal offer or notice
Type 1 – Promotional
A renewal offer may be considered promotional when it requires or encourages the recipient to take action and arrange for further payment. A promotional renewal offer or notice should:
- offer incentives to renew a service or subscription;
- remind a subscriber of upcoming expiry and highlight the benefits of renewal;
- need action or payment by the consumer or subscriber.
Type 2 – Transactional
A notification informing the recipient of an upcoming expiry or end date to their subscription where no action is required, such as automatic renewals. A non-promotional renewal notice:
- notify of termination or expiry of a service or subscription;
- not need action;
- notify of an automatic renewal (pre-authorized payment);
- provide a contract at the time of renewal.
Renewal lapsed/follow-up notice
A notification for the renewal of a lapsed contract or membership. Offers incentives to renew a service or subscription. A renewal offer may be considered promotional when it requires or encourages the recipient to take action and arranges for further payment. A promotional renewal offer or notice should:
- offer incentives to renew a service or subscription;
- remind a subscriber of upcoming expiry and highlight the benefits of renewal;
- need action or payment by the consumer or subscriber.
Results or results certificate
A notification to students regarding their exam results and course grades.
Sample of product or service, gift or novelty, to promote a product, service or business. Mailed with the intention to motivate the receiver to purchase full-size items. See Fulfillment: Type 1.
Share certificate or issue
Documents mailed as the result of the sale or purchase of company shares.
Provides financial information and status of customer accounts (summarizes loan transaction history).
Subscription offer
Encourages the recipient to sign up for a publication by highlighting its benefits and features or providing promotional discounts or incentives. See Offer.
Subscription renewal offer
Encourages the recipient to renew their existing subscription by providing promotional discounts or incentives.
Type 1 – Promotional
A survey designed to collect consumer feedback that will be used to promote products, services, and events or to support a charitable cause. It aims to gather insights into customer preferences or experiences for future marketing and outlines participant benefits. The results will be used to enhance available options, services, or products, and help consumers make informed decisions.
Type 2 – Transactional
An opinion survey designed to collect information for planning or educational purposes not intended to be used for promotion or sale of a product, service or event. These surveys gather data for research, statistical analysis or studies, and participants will not be contacted afterward.
Tax form and tax receipt
Including personal or corporation tax forms like T3, T4, etc. Tax statements containing personal information.
Tax invoice
See Invoice, Tax forms and tax receipts and Government correspondence: Type 2.
Thank-you card or letter
Sent to existing or prospective customers. It is intended to keep the brand top of mind and encourage further interaction, like inviting them to visit the store or make a donation.
Trial offer
Offer to participate in a trial. See also Offer.
Update customer details request
A request to update customer details.
Voting information
See Election/political advertising and Election/voting information.
Offered by a business or an organization as a promotion. See also Coupon and Gift certificate.
Welcome letter or kit
Type 1 – Promotional
A personalized item sent to customers who have recently signed up for a service or made a major purchase with a business. Promotes the use of the program or service, offers incentives and promotes extra services.
Type 2 – Transactional
A letter or kit that provides essential account information and detailed terms and conditions to customers who recently signed up for a service or made a significant purchase. For example, account access information, policies, additional resources and contact information.